Academic mobility


Academic mobility is the transfer of students for a certain academic period (including academic or industrial practice), usually a semester or an academic year, to another higher educational institution (within the country or abroad) for study or research, with mandatory transfer of completed educational programs in the form of credits in the prescribed manner university.

There is a distinction between external (international) and internal (national) academic mobility.

External academic mobility refers to the training of students in foreign universities, as well as the work of research teachers in foreign educational or scientific institutions. Carried out at the expense of funds:

  1. At the expense of the republican budget of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. At the expense of international scholarship programmes (ERASMUS+, DAAD, JACO, etc.). 3.
  3. At the expense of the student's own funds

Internal academic mobility refers to the training of students, as well as the work of research teachers in leading Kazakhstani universities.

The process of selecting students to participate in the program is based on the "Rules of direction for studying abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility" Order No. 613 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2008, in accordance with the Rules, a COMPETITION COMMISSION was established at the University, chaired by the Rector, which includes representatives of the university and representatives of the elected bodies of the city and region, public organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Students of the 2nd and 3rd years of study can participate in the academic mobility program.

For additional information and clarifications on academic mobility programs, please contact IRMD.

 Requirements of the external academic mobility program

  • GPA with a high level of academic achievement of at least 3.0 and above
  • Certificate of foreign language proficiency at the B2 level and above

 List of required documents

To apply

Requirements of the internal academic mobility program

  • GPA with a high level of academic achievement of at least 2.67 and above

 List of required documents

«Almaty Technological University» JSC is proud to present a unique opportunity for students and young scientists to participate in the International Summer School. This programme is focused on creating an international educational space where participants can not only deepen their knowledge in the chosen discipline, but also get acquainted with culture, traditions and innovative solutions relevant to different countries.

Programme objectives:

  • To provide students and professionals with the opportunity to gain knowledge from world-class leading faculty and experts.
  • To create a platform for participants from different countries and cultures to share their experiences.
  • Expand international relations.

Summer school format:

  • Thematic courses and masterclasses in various areas, including food technology, ecology, engineering, tourism, restaurant and hotel business, economics, art.
  • Theoretical lectures and practical classes aimed at in-depth study of key issues and trends in different fields.
  • A cultural programme including excursions, meetings with experts and participation in activities that promote intercultural exchange.

Benefits of participation:

  • Gaining knowledge and experience from recognised international experts.
  • Opportunity to communicate and exchange experience with programme participants from different countries.
  • Development of skills in demand on the international labour market.
  • Certificate of participation, which will be a great addition to your CV.

Programme participants:

Undergraduates, postgraduates, young professionals and anyone interested in an international educational environment.

How to apply:

As part of strategic efforts to develop education and science, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021 initiated a program to attract foreign scientists at the expense of the republican budget. This program is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the active exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices between Kazakhstani and international scientific communities. The purpose of the program is to strengthen scientific ties, stimulate scientific research, as well as improve the quality of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The involvement of foreign scientists contributes not only to the expansion of academic opportunities for Kazakh students and scientists, but also to the enrichment of the country's scientific and cultural heritage. This program is designed to support the active participation of foreign specialists in the scientific life of the Republic of Kazakhstan, thereby contributing to its integration into the world scientific community and achieving new heights in various fields of knowledge. Within the framework of the program, measures are provided for the organization of scientific internships, lecture courses, joint research projects and other forms of cooperation aimed at intensifying scientific exchange and increasing the scientific potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This program expresses the desire of the Republic of Kazakhstan to cooperate with international partners in the field of science and education, as well as to build an open and innovative educational space to achieve global goals of sustainable development and prosperity.

Over the past 3 years, over 300 professors from universities in Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan have participated in the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Foreign Scientist" and the program of international credit mobility (ICM) at ATU JSC.



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